

1 RNA-seq原始数据 2 数据整理 2.1 raw_data 2.2 qc_results 2.3 clean_data 2.4 reference_geonome 2.5 aligned 3 质量控制 3.1 fastQC 3.2 multiqc 4 使用trim-galore去除低质量的reads和adaptor 5

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文献阅读-Noninvasive blood tests for fetal development predict gestational age and preterm delivery

1 文献题目: 2 Summary 2.1 Results 1 文献题目: Noninvasive blood tests for fetal development predict gestational age and preterm delivery 2 Summary Noninvasive blood tests that provide information about fetal development and gestational age could potentially improve prenatal care. Ultrasound, the current gold standard, is not always affordable in low-resource settings and does not predict spontaneous preterm birth, a leading cause of


0.1 文献需要subscribe 0.1.1 Nature 系列 0.1.2 Cell系列 0.1.3 Science系列 0.1.4 Others 0.2 文献阅读 0.2.1 1. non-targeted urinary metabolomics in pregnancy and associations with fetal growth restriction 0.2.2 2. 0.3 单词 昨天的组会汇报被人问